Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dispatch Returns

To all those Dispatch fans that thought they were catching their last ever reunion tour last year… you weren’t. Dispatch is back, and this time, exhibiting a little more rock and roll than before.

The band opened up to Rolling Stone Magazine on June 26 about their first album in 12 years, Circles Around the Sun, which won’t be released until August 21. The single and title track is a catchy, upbeat, head-bobbing tune. It still holds true to the band’s intensely mellow vibes, but still, you can hear something not found in most other Dispatch songs. Something a little more rock.

According to the band, the album was not produced to shock fans, despite the revolutionizing sound. Instead, it is meant to tell a story.

“’CATS’ is the legend of our friend, Larry Perry, who passed away this year,” said bassist and vocalist Chad Urmston to Rolling Stone. “In the early 1960s the space race had captured America. Looking to outdo the Soviets without putting their necks on the line, NASA, in an unprecedented, controversial move, took a very disabled young man away from his family to ready him for space flight. Both the USSR and USA had sent dogs and chimps into space, but the USA wanted more. Larry cannot walk or speak, but was in perfect health and, more importantly, in the eyes of the government, expendable.

“Unbeknownst to them, from a very young age, Larry had always been an adrenaline junkie, and the scientists and government officials were actually fulfilling the biggest adventure he could ever dream—to be launched into space. To everyone’s surprise, Larry returns from space triumphant and smiling.”

You know, it is amazing what the government keeps from their people. After reading this article, I took the time to research Larry Perry, the accidental astronaut, and found absolutely nothing. Unbelievable.

Regardless, the single is out, make sure you download it! Or, just take a listen below with some other tracks from the new album.

In addition, Dispatch will venture on an American tour this fall. As always, they will donate $1 to their charity, Amplifying Education, for each ticket sold. Not only do you get to listen to bangin’ music, but you can concurrently support a great cause.

Make sure to check out their website to pre-order the album, and to donate to Amplifying Education.

Ah let’s send him where no one else has gone
And after all he can not speak or walk
Let’s send him out to the moon, do circles around the Sun

"Circles Around the Sun"

"Not Messin"


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